Hollywood Laser Peel

Hey hottie! We know you’re already looking good out there, but we all want to up our game once in while, right?! Look no further and experience the Hollywood Laser Peel for a lighter, brighter complexion with a lasting natural glow and zero downtime.  Treat yourself and get your face lased at Goodbye Rhonda!!

“Wait, you want to laser my face?”—Yes, yes we do! Sound scary or painful? Don’t worry, it’s not at all. The Hollywood Laser Peel is completely safe, comfortable, fast and reasonably priced.

“Oh, good!  So why a laser?”—The Hollywood Laser Peel treatment safely delivers targeted energy completely into the outer epidermal AND deeper dermal skin layers to stimulate longer-lasting improvement to your skin. Microdermabrasion or professional water-based facials only lead to a short-lived cleaning because they don’t touch the inner skin quality or tone and only help to remove some of the outer layers of dead skin cells.

“Ahh, makes sense. And you mentioned no downtime?”—Yep! Microdermabrasion treatments often lead to redness and and sensitive skin for 2 days or more.  The no downtime Hollywood Laser Peel gives you long-lasting benefits from the inside out WITHOUT irritating your skin.  The word ‘peel’ in the name doesn’t mean your skin will start peeling after the treatment—it’s just indicates the gentle exfoliation of the top layer of skin.

“I like that! What are these other benefits you speak of?—Well, for one, the laser energy targets melanin cells and helps to stimulate new collagen growth by gently heating the dermis. This leads to the reduction of unwanted pigmentation and sun damage, and increases dermal collagen. This leads to the reduction of discoloration and fine lines, softens skin tone and texture, and even minimizes your pores for more youthful, glowing skin. 

“Wow, that’s awesome!  Does this treatment have any effect on my acne?”—Funny you should ask, we were just about to tell you about that.  With one additional step in the process the Hollywood Laser Peel becomes the Hollywood Spectra AcnePeel!  It’s safe and effective for all types of acne including active inflamed acne. It reduces the size of nodules, cysts and papule right away while also reducing sebum production by 30% immediately. The treatment even helps with the appearance of acne scars! 

“Dang. That sounds great!  What are the steps in this process and how long does it take per treatment?”— Only about 20 minutes and 3 to 4 steps:

Step 1: Carbon lotion is applied

Step 2: Gentle heating of lotion with the laser

Step 3: Laser exfoliation

Step 4: Post Spectra pass (for AcnePeel only)

“Almost sold! But how much does this cost?—Like we said before, the Hollywood Laser Peel is very reasonably priced.  Each individual treatment is a flat $200, but you can buy a package deal of three Peels for $500 or six Peels for $1,000.  The AcnePeel is only a small additional cost—$225 per single treatment, $550 for three or $1,100 for six.  

“That’s great! How often can I get this treatment?”— We recommend 3 to 5 treatments spaced 2 to 4 weeks; followed by one maintenance treatment every 3 to 4 months. And because the results are immediately noticeable, a single treatment before an important event or celebration is also commonly performed. 

“Ooo, I’m excited! How do I book an appointment?”— We thought you’d like that! For immediate camera ready and long lasting results, simply click on the ‘Book a Hollywood Laser Peel’ button on the homepage of our website and pick the day and time that works be for you! Click on this button for the AcnePeel, too.

“One more thing—I know some of my friends and fam would love this and the holidays are coming up. Do you have gift cards at Goodbye Rhonda?”— What a great idea! We do now! Click on the ‘Gift Card’ button on our homepage. We can send it directly to their email, to your email to print out and gift to them, or send you a hard copy gift card in the mail, whatever you’d prefer.